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Technology Brand Launch

Market Analysis
Brand Identity and logo
Kickstarter Campaign
Sales Materials
App Design (mobile, web, watch)
Website Content and Design
Photography/Video Direction
Digital Media Content
Social Media Influencer Campaign

Creating a BIG Brand Impression 
As one of the first companies to create Personal Safety Software for IoT wearable devices, Wearsafe needed to create the impression of a large, reliable brand on a startup budget. We were excited to design the brand and all content from scratch while creating marketing campaigns which catapulted Wearsafe into becoming the global category leader. 
Portfolio Wearsafe Logo Orng Hriz
Asset 2MacDesktopImage.png
Animation and Sonic Branding

Hover near the animated logo to hear the sonic branding. Alert sound was used for both alert senders and receivers to raise awareness. Our unique triple bell became a recognizable brand asset.

Early Brand Guidelines

Built the brand from scratch including brand positioning, voice, visual identity, and standards. It was important to present a unified brand presence across all channels so the community became familiar with the experience. (Brand guidelines update not shown.)

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